Map of Paraguay

Map of Paraguay

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Other ethnic groups

Aside from the indigenous peoples in Paraguay there are also other ethnic groups that reside in Paraguay. For the most part they are immigrant from neighboring countries and other parts of the world. Most immigrants have blened to Paraguayian population but some maintain distinct identities and cultures. These groups include Mennonites, who settled in Chaco and the northern regions early in the early twentieth century; Japanese, who settled in agricultural colonies during the 1950s and 1960s; and more recent Korean, Lebanese, and ethnic Chinese immigrants, who have settled in the urban centers of Asunción since the 1970s. Then in the 1960s and 1970s, many Brazilian immigrant farmers moved to the eastern frontier region and became the backbone of the soybean export sector. By the 1990s, a second generation of Brazilians had been born and raised in Paraguay, and some intermarried with the local population making the brasiguayos, a distinct subgroup.

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