Map of Paraguay

Monday, March 21, 2011
Foods at Ceremonial Occasions
Special family celebrations and social gatherings call for an asado, or barbecue, with beef roasted over open fires and accompanied by boiled mandioca and sopa paraguaya. Chipa traditionally is prepared for the major religious holidays of Christmas and Holy Week. Special meals during these holidays also may include an asado of beef or a pit-roasted pig. A popular social pastime is the drinking of maté, a tea made from the leaves of a plant related to holly. It is an important ritual, shared among family, friends, and colleagues. Each time, one person is responsible for filling a gourd almost to the top with the tea. Water is heated, but not boiled, in a kettle and poured into the vessel. Each person then sips the liquid through a silver tube.
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My country is Mexico and they have many traditional foods that are brought about during special events, just like asado is brought up in Paraguay. In Mexico, Tamales are a very common dinner item to eat at Christmas time and other special events.Tamales help to bring people togetherk, and they have served as an important tradition for the people of Mexico. I see traditional foods, like tamales and asado, helping to keep a people's rich history present in this ever changing world.